UAE AML Compliance
At EA, we understand our clients’ need to focus on their core competencies of investment selection and portfolio management and to appoint reliable service providers to take care of specific regulatory requirements that might otherwise become an unwelcome distraction. We have a team of seasoned AML professionals who can be appointed to these roles and provide the necessary oversight and reporting, thus allowing you to focus on your day-to-day fund management, confident that the AML requirements are being met and appropriately reported. In recognition of the varying structures, knowledge and experience of our clients, AGC has created a modular AML compliance solution. This solution provides differing combinations of Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“MLRO”), Deputy MLRO (“DMLRO”) and AML Compliance Officer (“AMLCO”) and will assist each client/fund to structure their AML oversight to ensure that they meet their regulatory compliance requirements.
We realise that this is not a one size fits all solution and that different Investment Managers have different requirements, different fund structures and different areas of focus. As a result, AGC offers solutions to assist regulated and unregulated funds and SIBL registered entities, domiciled in the UAE, to fulfil their AML/CFT/CPF regulatory requirements. Bespoke solutions are also available on request.
Under this offering AGC will provide an AML Compliance Officer (“AMLCO”) to oversee the application of the AML/CFT/CPF requirements in relation to the fund or SIBL registered entity appointing them and to act as a point of contact with the regulatory authorities for the purposes of the AML Regulations. In addition, AGC will provide a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (“MLRO”) and a Deputy MLRO (“DMLRO”) for the purposes of receiving and considering Suspicious Activity Reports (“SARs”).
Under this offering AGC will provide individuals to act as the MLRO and DMLRO. The AMLCO will be provided by another party, potentially the investment manager or the administrator.
Under this offering, AGC will provide framework documents to support the MLRO and AMLCO should the investment manager wish to have their employees fulfil these roles. In addition, UAE AML compliance training will be provided on an annual basis for an additional fee.
For additional information, please contact your usual AGC professional or any one of our team.